Here you will find some basic travel information for your adventures in beautiful Costa Rica!
What to wear, what to bring with you, what to expect, how's the climate?

Medical Preparation:
No immunizations are required on the Costa Rica program, though we suggest you ask your doctor if you have any concerns. Our programs are fairly active and you should be in good physical health. If a problem should arise we are always in close proximity to a medical center. A travel insurance policy is highly recommended.
Country Info:
We recommend purchasing the Lonely Planet Costa Rica - Travel Guide ( to give you the best logistical information on traveling to Costa Rica. The Lonely Planet guides contain a wealth of information and are a must for travelers visiting any region of the world.
Internet: The hotel has high speed wireless access in the hotel lobby. Computer terminals and a printer with internet access is available in the lobby.
Zika Virus: Please check out this article that appeared in Retire NOW in Costa Rica. The virus is not considered a concern in Costa Rica.
In tropical climates it is best to wear light cotton clothes that breathe. We do not recommend synthetic material since it does not breathe no matter how ventilated it might be. A light wind breaker/parka or sweatshirt is recommended for cooler nights. Bring comfortable light pants and/or shorts, cotton T or long sleeve shirts, head covering (hat) for our walks and excursions and, of course a bathing suit.
Shabbat Wear: Due to the warm tropical weather and the fact that events will take place outdoors we recommend only light
nice casual clothing.
- Men: Feel free to bring suits, including ties or jackets, but keep in mind that it is very hot outdoors. The meeting space is air conditioned. A nice light cotton button down shirt, slacks, light shoes are recommended for Shabbat. However, fell free to dress as you would for Shabbat.
- Women: Light skirt and top are recommended. We do not recommend heavy dresses made of synthetic material.
Rain Gear: A rain poncho is your best bet, coats are not a good idea because they can get too hot in this climate. Remember, rain or shine, activities and excursions will take place.
Footwear: Lightweight comfortable walking shoes and/or sneakers, all with a good tread. Bring sandals or flip flops for your down time at the resort. They will not be permitted during your hikes—too many creepy crawlies while on tour.
- We highly recommend some type of water shoe (Teva’s, aqua socks or old shoes) for our beach and eco-walks
Travel Bags: Daypack or small knapsack for day hikes and excursions. We recommend a pack that can carry a water container,
extra clothing, and other necessary items.
Toiletries: All toiletries should be brought from home. Hotel bath products (soap & shampoo) are also available in each room including hair dryers.
Important Items:
- Sunglasses
- Sunscreen
- Mosquito repellent
- Bird/wildlife field guide (optional)
- Travel Documents: Passport (plus a photo copy) are required to travel, health insurance information, plane travel information.
- Siddur & religious items you may want.
Camera Equipment: Costa Rica, with its magnificent scenery, is a photographer's paradise. It is recommended that a sealable camera bag be used to protect your camera equipment from moisture. Large zip-lock bags are quite handy. We highly recommend a camera with a long telephoto lens. There is even many compact options nowadays.
It will help bring the incredible wildlife and scenery of Costa Rica, that much closer. Electricity is 120V (like the US) so digital cameras/other electronic devices can be recharged easily.
Binoculars: You will miss out on some spectacular wildlife without them. A compact 8x42 power is ideal.
Flights / Airlines:
The following carriers fly to Costa Rica from multiple cities in the USA and around the world – we recommend that you talk to a travel professional to get the best travel product to fit your specific needs.
Please visit this useful list for information on flights to Costa Rica from the US:
Travel Insurance:
Travel Defend - Website, Contact via email or phone: 1-800-578-2871
You can also purchase insurance though Allianz Travel Insurance. Please use code ACCAM # F205505 when purchasing a policy. Thank you.
- Los Angeles: Alaska (ends in August), Delta (November to January), JetBlue, United.
- San Francisco: United.
- Denver: Southwest (November to April), United.
- Austin: American (starts in November).
- Dallas: American.
- Houston: United (IAH), Southwest (HOU).
- Minneapolis: Delta (December to April), Sun Country (December to April).
- Chicago: American (November to April), United.
- Atlanta: Delta.
- Miami: American.
- Orlando: Frontier (starts in November).
- Charlotte: American (starts in December).
- Washington, D.C.: Southwest (BWI).
- New York City: United (EWR), American (JFK; starts in December), JetBlue.
- Boston: JetBlue (ends in April).
- Los Angeles: Alaska (as of November), Avianca (as of December), Delta, JetBlue (ends in October), United.
- Phoenix: American (December and January).
- Denver: United.
- Dallas: American.
- Houston: United (IAH), Southwest (HOU).
- Chicago: American (November to May), United.
- Atlanta: Delta.
- Orlando: Frontier, JetBlue, Spirit (ends in May).
- Miami area: American (MIA), Avianca (MIA), Frontier (MIA; as of November), Spirit (FLL and MIA), JetBlue (FLL).
- Washington, D.C.: United (IAD).
- New York City: United (EWR), American (JFK; starts in November), Avianca (JFK; starts in December), JetBlue (JFK).
- Bristish Airways
- Air France
- Iberia
- Copa
- Areo Mexico
- Avianca